Created in 1998, the International Jew’s Harp Society released this multimedia website end of 2017. The concept is to offer to the members a free access to all its publications and a platform they can use to share knowledge about the instrument.
Joining the IJHS is an important cultural individual act. More members we are, more weight we have for lobbying and networking. The annual membership fees contribute to the financial asset of the society and to the realization of projects decided by the board.
Subscribe and join the International Jew’s Harp Society!
- Please first fill in the Online Membership Form.
Membership fees
- Please pay your membership fees: ONE YEAR 30 USD or 30 EUROS
Use the IJHS Paypal 'Subscribe' button below.
You can also pay via bank transfer to the IJHS Bank account (EUROS currency only):
Banque Cantonale Neuchâteloise, Place Pury, 2001 Neuchâtel, Switzerland
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1002.95.66.3
Clearing number: 766
IBAN CH0500766000100295663
- Once the bank transfert is done, please send us a confirmation and we will activate your LOGIN access. Please make sure that we receive the exact amount of €30.
Within 2-5 days you will get a confirmation from us.