Priido Maritov and parmupill: A 1938 Estonian TV-star celebrated

Priido Maritov and parmupill: A 1938 Estonian TV-star celebrated

Priido Maritov and parmupill

A 1938 Estonian TV-star celebrated

On January 9th 2019, 150 years will have passed since the birth of Kullamaa Parish, one of the best jew’s harp (parmupill) players in Estonia.  

In 1938 Priido Maritov became the earliest, and only Estonian traditional parmupill player to be recorded by a TV studio. He was a creative musician; his playing is rich in ornaments and melodic line variations. He started to play parmupill at the age of twelve and made his own instruments. The frame was produced from an iron wire and the tongue from a shoemaker’s needle. 

1938 TV recording and me taking over:

Maritov’s tune “Polka” and several videos of performances by different musicians inspired by his tune:

Cätlin Mägi


Priido Maritov (by P. Parikas, 1938. ERA, Foto 844).